Art Gallery

Back in the summer of 2015, my friend Allison and I went to a Paint Nite at Christie’s Carriage House Pub. I had never picked up a paint brush before. It turned out I really enjoyed myself, and, to be honest, I was pretty good! So I went to a few more Paint Nites with other friends over a few years. And then I bought myself some brushes and a simple paint kit. I started playing around, doing fun things like seascapes and backgrounds (I got really good at backgrounds!)

But I have never been an artist. My meeting doodles consist of triangles, squares, and subesquent whirly gigs that come from triangles and squares. I couldn’t draw a stick man! The last art class I took was grade 5 with Mr Dzuba at Tsolum Elementary, when I made a 3 legged pottery bison that was supposed to be a dog. So I did backgrounds. And after a while, I put everything away.

Then I met my friend James Wyper. James is a brilliant artist from Pender Island. I went over to check out his studio and fell in love with the texture, the colour, the geometry and the intense BEAUTY of his work. PLEASE visit his website HERE. He inspired me to play with paint again. He inspired me daily actually. I may actually dedicate an entire page on here to his art, because it is absolutely stunning.


Fast forward to spring of 2017. I saw this video by George Takei on pour painting. It was mesmerizing! Watched a few tutorials,, Jeff went away for a weekend, and I transformed our kitchen table into an art studio. THIS I could do. I loved playing with colour, learning what worked and what didn’t, and fell in LOVE with the mess and chaos of it all.

One thing led to another. Classes were taken. I tried my hand at copying photos, other people’s art, drawing things, and mixing media. I found a new joy in sharing my art with my friends and family, and in trying new things. My artistic repertoire grows in leaps and bounds with every painting I do. I still feel very much like an amateur, but I’m having fun with it. Each piece has a story. And of course, everything is for sale! Here are a few of my pieces. I’ll upload more tomorrow.